creating JNI with Swig
I am currently playing around with JNI and Java due the colleagues question to make the connect features of jack-audio ( accessible to java.
There is already a javalib ( with some features, there seems still some needes ones missing.
So i started today to have a look into SWIG (
“SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.”
After some hours of research i ended up with some facts:
To created yourself a Java binding to a given c/c++ Program or Library you need one or more Interface files (*.I) and swig file with all the necessary swig module descriptions.
There is an example on the swig homepage ( to explain the workflow of SWIG.
There is a c file exmple.c:
/* File : example.c */ double My_variable = 3.0; /* Compute factorial of n */ int fact(int n) { if (n <= 1) return 1; else return n*fact(n-1); } /* Compute n mod m */ int my_mod(int n, int m) { return(n % m); }
The mapping example.i files looks as the following:
/* File : example.i */ %module example %{ /* Put headers and other declarations here */ extern double My_variable; extern int fact(int); extern int my_mod(int n, int m); %} extern double My_variable; extern int fact(int); extern int my_mod(int n, int m);
As you can see, the Interface file has a similar syntax with some additional meta information.
You can now create your JNI bindings:
swig -java example.i There are also flags for different other languages: -allegrocl - Generate ALLEGROCL wrappers -chicken - Generate CHICKEN wrappers -clisp - Generate CLISP wrappers -cffi - Generate CFFI wrappers -csharp - Generate C# wrappers -guile - Generate Guile wrappers -java - Generate Java wrappers -lua - Generate Lua wrappers -modula3 - Generate Modula 3 wrappers -mzscheme - Generate Mzscheme wrappers -ocaml - Generate Ocaml wrappers -octave - Generate Octave wrappers -perl - Generate Perl wrappers -php - Generate PHP wrappers -pike - Generate Pike wrappers -python - Generate Python wrappers -r - Generate R (aka GNU S) wrappers -ruby - Generate Ruby wrappers -sexp - Generate Lisp S-Expressions wrappers -tcl - Generate Tcl wrappers -uffi - Generate Common Lisp / UFFI wrappers -xml - Generate XML wrappers
As a result you get three new files:
- example_wrap.c
The example_wrap.c can be used to compile the needed library file for your JNI access.
The two java Files are the basic JNI implementation:
class exampleJNI { public final static native void My_variable_set(double jarg1); public final static native double My_variable_get(); public final static native int fact(int jarg1); public final static native int my_mod(int jarg1, int jarg2); }
And a basic java example how to access these functions:
public class example { public static void setMy_variable(double value) { exampleJNI.My_variable_set(value); } public static double getMy_variable() { return exampleJNI.My_variable_get(); } public static int fact(int arg0) { return exampleJNI.fact(arg0); } public static int my_mod(int n, int m) { return exampleJNI.my_mod(n, m); } }
To get into working with SWIG i can advise the sources of the G4Java Project.
There is also a maven plugin to use SWIG from within your maven build:
I am currently trying to create the necessary Interface files from the jack-audio sources to use them for a first run of SWIG. For python and tck you can use cmake to create these files.
I have been working on the same goal. I would like to be able to start a Jackd daemon from a Java process. Have you experimented with JNA ( It seems a better/simpler interface to native code than JNI. I have looked into it and am trying to learn how to construct the appropriate JNA wrapper code in Java.
I have just downloaded SWIG but will need to learn that too… have you made any progress using SWIG?
I am currently looking into This tool needs hopefully less hand-work. It is used in the JOGL API Project. I will post about it, when i got some more knowledge :-).