Joyent SmartOS VM MYSQL Setup

I just played around with the new SmartOS from Joyent ( Homepage ). I followed a basic tutorial from a Blog called opusmagnus to setup my basic SmartOS Machine on Virtualbox. You basically just have to insert the latest iso image and startup the VM (SmartOS is a system that runs from a live Medium – an DVD- or USB Image, so all your harddisk belongs to your VMs).

I will just summarize the basic steps to setup a basic VM for Mysql (you should also read the original post here).
After you installed your VM (setup Networking/ZFS Pool – you should use >3 virtual harddisks), you login into your new system and perfom the following steps:

Check for VM-Templates to install:

# dsadm avail
UUID                                 OS      PUBLISHED  URN                    
9dd7a770-59c7-11e1-a8f6-bfd6347ab0a7 smartos 2012-02-18 sdc:sdc:percona:1.3.8  
467ca742-4873-11e1-80ea-37290b38d2eb smartos 2012-02-14 sdc:sdc:smartos64:1.5.3
7ecb80f6-4872-11e1-badb-3f567348a4b1 smartos 2012-02-14 sdc:sdc:smartos:1.5.3  
1796eb3a-48d3-11e1-94db-3ba91709fad9 smartos 2012-01-27 sdc:sdc:riak:1.5.5     
86112bde-43c4-11e1-84df-8f7fd850d78d linux   2012-01-25 sdc:sdc:centos6:0.1.1  
5fef6eda-05f2-11e1-90fc-13dac5e4a347 smartos 2011-11-03 sdc:sdc:percona:1.2.2  
d91f80a6-03fe-11e1-8f84-df589c77d57b smartos 2011-11-01 sdc:sdc:percona:1.2.1  
9199134c-dd79-11e0-8b74-1b3601ba6206 smartos 2011-09-12 sdc:sdc:riak:1.4.1     
3fcf35d2-dd79-11e0-bdcd-b3c7ac8aeea6 smartos 2011-09-12 sdc:sdc:mysql:1.4.1    
7456f2b0-67ac-11e0-b5ec-832e6cf079d5 smartos 2011-04-15 sdc:sdc:nodejs:1.1.3   
febaa412-6417-11e0-bc56-535d219f2590 smartos 2011-04-11 sdc:sdc:smartos:1.3.12

I choose a percona VM (that is a VM with MySQL and some Backup Stuff pre-install – more here).

# dsadm import  a9380908-ea0e-11e0-aeee-4ba794c83c33
a9380908-ea0e-11e0-aeee-4ba794c83c33 doesnt exist. continuing with install
a9380908-ea0e-11e0-aeee-4ba794c83c33 successfully installed

Then you need to create a basic VM-Config file /tmp/percona-vm:

        "alias": "percona-vm",
        "brand": "joyent",
        "dataset_uuid": "a9380908-ea0e-11e0-aeee-4ba794c83c33",
        "dns_domain": "",
        "quota": "10",
        "nics": [
                        "nic_tag": "admin",
                        "ip": "",
                        "netmask": "",
                        "gateway": ""

You are now able to create your VM:

# vmadm create -f /tmp/percona-vm
Successfully created df4108a7-c3af-4372-b959-6066c70661e9

You can check if your new VM is running:

# vmadm list
UUID                                  TYPE  RAM      STATE             ALIAS
df4108a7-c3af-4372-b959-6066c70661e9  OS    256      running           percona-vm

# ping is alive

You can login in your VM (that is a Zone to be precisely with the zlogin command):

# zlogin df4108a7-c3af-4372-b959-6066c70661e9
[Connected to zone 'df4108a7-c3af-4372-b959-6066c70661e9' pts/2]

Becourse i could not found any information about the predifined MySQL Password, i just change it using standard-Mylsq CMDs:
First you need to stop the Mysql Service:

# svcadm disable mysql:percona

Then you need to start Mysql again with skipping the tables for user-credentials.

# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

Enter Mysql CMD-Tools and change the root Password:

# mysql -uroot
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit;

You need to shutdown your MySQL instance:

# prstat
 10921 root     4060K 3016K cpu2     1    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
 10914 root     3200K 2236K sleep    1    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1
 10913 root     3172K 2244K sleep    1    0   0:00:00 0.0% login/1
 10894 mysql 207M 37M sleep 1 0 0:00:00 0.0% mysqld/27
kill 10894

You now can start the MySQL Daemon again.

# svcadm enable mysql:percona

I hope i will have time to look into more features of SmartOS. It seems to be a great System to Virtualize a lot of differend Service. It also supports virtualizing Windows VMs with KVM.

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4 Responses

  1. magnayn says:

    Did you have to do anything to get your ‘zone’ to be able to access the outside world?

    I follow your steps, I can zlogin to the new zone, it can ping the ‘outer’ machine, but nothing beyond that..

  2. philipp says:

    This sounds like a routing problem. I will do some more tests during the next week. So i will give some more hints on howto configure the networking stuff.

  3. magnayn says:

    Just a followup – I found up why I had the problem, in case anyone else treads down this path.

    I am trialling SmartOS under VMWare. The VMWare virtual switch disallows promiscuous NICs. Once I re-enabled that, it all worked fine (though it took me some time to figure that out!).

  1. 2014-01-26

    […] postet about SmartOS almost 1 1/2 Year ago. Since i am still using SmartOS here and then for primary testing purpose, i […]

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