today in german: Sylvester Nachlese
Sorry for writing in german, but i have no motivation at the moment to translate it đ Telegramm eines Jahreswechsels 0700: Ankunft in London:...
my personal Site of Things
Sorry for writing in german, but i have no motivation at the moment to translate it đ Telegramm eines Jahreswechsels 0700: Ankunft in London:...
Finally i am back in the uk! New Years Eve in London is worth a visit!Beside of some strange happenings it was great! Now...
0700: Ankunft in London: alles still Geschäfte zu, kaum jemand auf den Strassen. 0730: Wir beschliessen uns ein underground-tages-ticket zu kaufen und fahren ein...
Tomorrow I am leaving back to Germany for 2 weeks.So there won’t be an update during this time, course my Mac stays in Coventry...
Good monring everyone! i just fixed the layout of my guestbook.Nobody here to write in :-(. Nevermind i just want to make it work...
Good Morning, I finally finished with coding a guestbook.It is very rudimental right now, but i will improve it day by day.Feel free to...
Hello Party People! After a short delay, i finally upload the very exclusive selection of pictures.If there is any picture missing, don’t be shy...
Hello,i hope everyone is fine again. We get a lot of picture from yesterday’s party. I will put them on my Homepage soon as...
Moin alle zusammen. Mittlerweile haben wir uns schon recht gut hier in Coventry eingelebt.Ich habe grade auch die Fotos vom Umzug hochgeladen und der...