Jing & get rid of menu icons :-)

Hello world! 😀 sorry could not resist.No important news at the moment.Just two nice things:1) There is a nice capture tool called jing. You can use this tool, to create Screenshots and to record movies. Okay thats somehow boring. But the trick is, that you can upload the recorded videos and distribute the url to them worldwide. So that everyone can see it. Amazing, hm?To give an example how this stuff works, i will tell you about the second thing!2) Have you ever asked yourself, how to get rid of these crowd of menu icons? Okay there is a flag in some application settings, but i had the problem, that i had an .mac iSync icon within my menu bar, and i never use .mac. So i searched a little bit and find an easy method: Just keep the (Apple) Control Key pressed and drag the specific icon out of the menu…. it will disappear in smoke :-). In the video i use the bluetooth icon from iStat.Nice Demo, right?It is currently uploaded von the http://www.screencast.com page. There is also a setting for normal ftp and Flickr but so far i could not find out how to use it.You normally have to pay a monthly fee to use the service. But i would like to quote the FaQ from jing:

So, what does it cost? It’s free for now! Yeah, didn’t think you’d let us slide with that last answer… so … here’s the deal; Jing isn’t a product right now—it’s a project. What we’re trying to do is give this to the world and figure out whether it fills a need or provides a useful service. We’re asking for both your participation and feedback on this concept, so the least we can do is provide the Jing Project complimentary during this period. As we learn what you want from this, we’ll have a better idea what the pricing and business model might look like in the future.

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