update macos ipmitool
During my experiences with IPMI i figured out, that there is an issue with the build in ipmitool for MacOs.
If you want to use the IPMI 2.0 protocol (needed for Serial over Lan (SOL) ), you have to add an “-I lanplus” to the ipmitool command.
The problem is, that there is no such parameter in the original MacOs version.
So you have to recompile your own version:
Go to
http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net and download the source code.
You have to make sure, that you already have installed the common build enviroment (xCode).
You have to find out where the original version of ipmitool is:
# whereis ipmitool
# /usr/bin/ipmitool
So after you extracted the ipmitool source you have to configure it with the right path:
# ./configure –prefix=/usr/
This tells the compiler, that binary should be placed in /usr/bin/ and the libs should be go to /usr/lib/
You finish with:
# make
# sudo make install
After that you will find your parameter in the help message:
# ipmitool -h
pmitool version 1.8.9
usage: ipmitool [options…] <command>
-h This help
-V Show version information
-v Verbose (can use multiple times)
-c Display output in comma separated format
-d N Specify a /dev/ipmiN device to use (default=0)
-I intf Interface to use
-H hostname Remote host name for LAN interface
-p port Remote RMCP port [default=623]
-U username Remote session username
-f file Read remote session password from file
-S sdr Use local file for remote SDR cache
-a Prompt for remote password
-e char Set SOL escape character
-C ciphersuite Cipher suite to be used by lanplus interface
-k key Use Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication
-L level Remote session privilege level [default=ADMINISTRATOR]
Append a ‘+’ to use name/privilege lookup in RAKP1
-A authtype Force use of auth type NONE, PASSWORD, MD2, MD5 or OEM
-P password Remote session password
-E Read password from IPMI_PASSWORD environment variable
-m address Set local IPMB address
-b channel Set destination channel for bridged request
-l lun Set destination lun for raw commands
-t address Bridge request to remote target address
-o oemtype Setup for OEM (use ‘list’ to see available OEM types)
-O seloem Use file for OEM SEL event descriptions
lan IPMI v1.5 LAN Interface [default]
lanplus IPMI v2.0 RMCP+ LAN Interface
raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print response
i2c Send an I2C Master Write-Read command and print response
spd Print SPD info from remote I2C device
lan Configure LAN Channels
chassis Get chassis status and set power state
power Shortcut to chassis power commands
event Send pre-defined events to MC
mc Management Controller status and global enables
sdr Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readings
sensor Print detailed sensor information
fru Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locators
sel Print System Event Log (SEL)
pef Configure Platform Event Filtering (PEF)
sol Configure and connect IPMIv2.0 Serial-over-LAN
tsol Configure and connect with Tyan IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LAN
isol Configure IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LAN
user Configure Management Controller users
channel Configure Management Controller channels
session Print session information
sunoem OEM Commands for Sun servers
kontronoem OEM Commands for Kontron devices
picmg Run a PICMG/ATCA extended cmd
fwum Update IPMC using Kontron OEM Firmware Update Manager
firewall Configure Firmware Firewall
exec Run list of commands from file
set Set runtime variable for shell and exec
hpm Update HPM components using PICMG HPM.1 file