MacOS update 10.6.4 and GPGMail

So the latest MacOS Update broke the gpg-mail Plugin again. But it seems that the old UUID Trick saves the show.
First close
Then you need to find out the new PluginCompatibilityUUIDs from and the Message Framework.

cat /System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework/Resources/Info.plist | grep UUID -A 1
cat /Applications/ |grep UUID -A 1 | grep UUID -A 1

Then you need to open the gpg-mail Bundle.
Look into /Users/[username]/Library/Mail/Bundles
You can open GPGMail.mailbundle via the Context Menu. You need to add the two new UUIDs to the Node SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs in the Info.plist file.

Save and then restart

via and @morrow

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17 Responses

  1. And-R-ew says:

    Thanks a lot! It works!

  2. Thomas says:

    Great job, works perfectly

  3. lahey says:

    Works here too, thanks very much!

  4. Erich says:

    Good job, thank you very much…



  5. Jerry says:

    Thanks man you rock! This works great.

  6. It worked like a charm!!!

  7. Awesome, thanks!

  8. olivier says:

    Perfect ! Thanks a lot.

  9. Doug says:

    I’ve got a slightly more automated method for doing this. You can check out the script @

  10. Ola says:

    Works here too, thanks!

  11. Justin says:

    wonderful – thank you!!!

  12. Alex says:

    Small update: There is a new version (1.3.0) available at that is compatible with 10.6.4 and has Sparkle updates integrated.

  13. Engrailed says:

    The procedure described works perfecrtly for 10.6.5 as well.
    Thanks for the tip!

  14. Erich says:

    works also with 10.6.5 🙂

  15. Alex says:

    Btw: the current installers at are updating the bundle automatically now.

  16. Philipp says:

    the news string for 10.6.7 are:


    Or just wait for the new bundle update. Should be there in some hours.

  1. 2010-06-16

    […] Plugins deaktiviert, somit u.A. auch GPGMail. Eine kurze Google Recherche brachte mich dann auf Philipps Blog, welcher ja auch ab und an hier […]

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