This Module provides support for converting Play! i18n Files into an Excel Sheet and from an Excel Sheet to i18n Files. Usage You need...
my personal Site of Things
This Module provides support for converting Play! i18n Files into an Excel Sheet and from an Excel Sheet to i18n Files. Usage You need...
Hello there. After the Stats showed me, that the ancient Post about a Web based ZFS Interfaces produces a lot attention, i decided to...
Mac:Office 2011 Lizenz iWork 09 Lizenz VPN Regeln to be continued …
Some Time ago, Java and MacOS were friends. You could just open XCode choose “Java Application” and start coding your app. But since the...
So you just finished your first Play! App. You want to run that thing behind an Apache2 as a HTTPS Proxy, because you do...
I was on the Chemnitz Linux Days last weekend. Besides great other talks a saw “Free your slides – Vortragsfolien im Browser anzeigen” from...
Sometimes you need to use some CLI-Tools before you want to create or search for a native JNI Binding. So there is a common...
I just finished my latest improvements to the legacy version of my counter script. I just added the lookup for ISPs and added dynamic...
I just played around with the new SmartOS from Joyent ( Homepage ). I followed a basic tutorial from a Blog called opusmagnus to...
Neben vielen berechtigten Kritikpunkten die manch einer dem Build-Tool Maven vorwerfen kann, ist oftmals der falsche Einsatz einer der Hauptgründe für die schlechte Perfomance...