Category: Hacking


quick note: subversion

find all .svn folders: find . -type d -name .svn ./.svn ./sourceA/.svn ./sourceB/.svn ./sourceB/module/.svn ./sourceC/.svn delete all .svn folders: rm -rf `find . -type...


sophisticated Backups mit Rsync

Backups sind wichtig. Jeder der einmal vor einer kaputten, ratternden Festplatte gesessen hat, weiß wie frustrierend das Wissen ist, alle seine Daten ins informationstechnische...


Nexenta iSCSI Target Setup

root@sunny:~# zfs create tank/home root@sunny:~# zfs create tank/home/philipp root@sunny:~# zfs create -V 250M tank/home/philipp/TM root@sunny:~# zfs set shareiscsi=on tank/home/philipp/TM root@sunny:~# iscsitadm modify target -p...


very first test with ruby camping :-)

I tried The Camping Short, Short Example for the ruby camping framework. #!ruby #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -rubygems require ‘camping’ Camping.goes :HomePage module HomePage::Controllers # The root...


Installing ruby camping

Just a short one: After succeeding in installing ruby gems, i finally was able to install the ruby micro-framework camping. So ruby should just...